Indonesian customer fog cannon is used to reduce dust in sand and gravel plant

DATE:2021-03-17 10:27:06



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A sand and stone plant in Indonesia has long struggled 

with severe dust issues. The dust generated during the 

sand and stone processing posed significant health risks 

to workers and negatively impacted the surrounding 

environment. To improve the working conditions and 

increase production efficiency, the plant decided to seek 

an effective dust control solution.

After comparing various dust control equipment, the 

sand and stone plant chose our 80-meter dust reduction 

fog cannon. This fog cannon features advanced 

atomization technology, which converts water into 

extremely fine particles, effectively capturing and settling 

dust particles in the air.

The fog cannon was installed on a high tower within the 

plant, utilizing its powerful spray capability to cover the 

entire area. The equipment was set to automatic mode, 

enabling it to start and stop based on dust concentration, 

ensuring that the plant maintained an optimal dust level 

at all times.


Results and Impact

1.Significant Dust Reduction:After the fog cannon was 

put into operation, the dust concentration in the plant 

significantly decreased. The extremely fine atomized 

particles quickly captured the dust in the air, achieving 

remarkable results.


2.Improved Working Environment:The reduction in dust 

concentration greatly improved the working conditions 

for the employees. Their health was better protected, and 

work efficiency increased.

3.Environmental Protection:The use of the fog cannon 

not only improved the internal environment of the plant 

but also reduced pollution to the surrounding areas, 

gaining recognition and praise from the local community.

4.Reliable Equipment:The fog cannon operated stably 

with a high degree of automation and was easy to 

maintain, providing reliable support for the plant's 

daily operations.

Customer Feedback

The plant manager highly praised the dust reduction 

fog cannon, stating, "This equipment not only solved our 

long-standing dust problem but also significantly 

improved the working environment for our employees. 

It has been a very worthwhile investment."

Future Outlook

Based on this successful application, the sand and stone 

plant plans to install similar fog cannon equipment in 

other production areas to further enhance overall 

environmental quality. Our team will continue to provide 

technical support and services to ensure the equipment 

remains in optimal operating condition.

Through this collaboration, our dust reduction fog cannon 

not only demonstrated its excellent performance but also 

reinforced our leadership in the dust control field. We look 

forward to collaborating with more companies in the 

future to improve production environments, protect 

workers' health, and safeguard the surrounding environment.

This success story highlights the significant impact of 

the 80-meter dust reduction fog cannon in controlling 

dust in a sand and stone plant, providing valuable insights 

for other businesses facing similar challenges. By adopting 

this innovative dust control solution, not only has the plant 

improved production efficiency, but it has also made a 

positive contribution to environmental protection.