The noise of the fog cannon is too loud, please pay attention to these points

DATE:2021-05-25 08:17:34



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When using a fog cannon,it's important to address potential 

noise issues effectively.Here are key points to consider:

1.Unstable Base:An unstable fog cannon base can

cause excessive noise due to imbalance during

fan operation.To resolve this,ensure the base is

fixed securely.Adjusting the position or adding

a gasket can help achieve the necessary balance.

2.Damaged Parts:Damaged parts may also contribute to 

noise.Turn off the machine,disconnect the power supply,

and inspect the system.Replace any damaged components 

to reduce noise.


3.Incorrect Speed or Rotation:High speeds or incorrect fan 

rotation can generate significant noise.This is often due to 

construction errors.Adjust these settings promptly to 

prevent machine damage.

4.Foreign Matter:Noise can occur if foreign objects enter 

the fan,a common issue at construction sites or quarries.

Regularly remove debris to maintain optimal performance.

Proper machine operation and maintenance 

are crucial for fog cannon performance.Keep 

the motor surface clean and ensure the air 

inlet is free from dust and fibers.

Fog cannons are widely used across various industries 

due to their excellent performance.They are effective 

for dust control in urban construction sites,metallurgical 

steel plants,cement plants,and coal chemical enterprises.

Additionally,they are suitable for cooling and dust 

suppression in large outdoor areas like parks,squares,

sports fields,and industrial workshops.